7 day teen empowerment raft/camp experience.
Pacific Northwest outdoor Values.
I have heard people talk about how our values have diluded through the decades in America. Not everywhere, but in many places of open social engagement subject to cultural review there is an idea that family valued that include some grit gets overlooked or left out of our standards and practices we educate our new generations with.
This is my contribution to this dilema is providing a week long camp that has real, acheivable goals that are physicaly, emotionaly, socialy challenging to the same level integrrating into a new school might be. I BELIEVE that through growth, self imposed challenge, failure reveiw and through perserverence there is always a triumph that may be had buy one perspective or another. In other words through growth I believe I get as close to Happiness I have ever have been. This matched with other neat humans dreaming and creating togehter is a feeling that once you have participated in it you are CHANGED being.
-Paulo Coehlo- We are but CO-CONSPIRATORS to the infinily georgouse blossom of life in all its facets.
When the devine alighns with what your dreams are and feeds the reality life to share with the world you will feel love and loved inways challenging to contain, convey or capture.
The hero's journey is a common narrative archetype, or story template. To put it shortly, it involves a hero who goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge, and then returns home transformed. This adventure is about going on an adventure, learning outdoors skills from the guides, letting the river itself teach you, and using it all to succeed at your next hero’s journey.
It all started when…
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